hey guys. recently my boyfriend told me that he has depression, and there are times when the relationship gets kind of shitty as a result.
we've been together for two years, and even before he told me he had depression my passion for him was starting to wane.
when things are good, then we can still have fun, but more and more i can't help but think about breaking up with him every time we have a disagreement; it almost happened once, and he is still trying to recover from that.
at the same time, he is going through a fairly pivotal point in his studies (i.e. applying for law school), and if i don't support him through it - or at least put on a brave face - then doubtlessly i'll contribute to //ruining his life//. this is not something i want to do to anyone.
but if i stay in this relationship, i am going to be miserable. i also have my own grades to consider, and i can't afford to take on all this emotional baggage right now.
basically, guys-- WAT DO.
Well, what triggers his depression in the first place?
Does he really love you? it seems as though you're in a one-way relationship, he only needs you to take care of him, etc..
can you tell him to see a therapist or something about it maybe? I mean he told you he is suffering from depression which means he knows he has depression. I'm guessing you guys are in college most campuses do have free counselling services. If you are worried about ruining his life it seems like trying to get him to get help is a logical thing to do.
Tell his bitch ass to man up. we live in a world today where a huge percentage of americans live with depression because we've all grown too soft. 1000 years ago if you bitched and moaned then your ass got beaten. now you may say "oh well this ain't 1000 years ago", well you know what? you're exactly right, that's exactly why we have bitch asses in the first place. nowadays you got those emo kids who post videos on youtube talking about how they wanna end their lives because their parents wouldn't let them go see paramore or some shit
Come on. You know telling a genuinely depressed person to 'man up' isn't going to solve anything. Depression is pretty serious, and being 'emo' has nothing to do with it at all.
I think you should first find out if you love your boyfriend anymore(and vice versa). If not, stick it out until you can leave him quietly without hurting him.
If there's still mutual feelings here and stuff(and you really want to continue this relationship, who knows it could evolve into something better down the road), then I think you should tell him your dilemma. If he understands your feelings about it, then he at least has the chance to help prop you up in return(at least, in theory. It all depends on how your boyfriend acts when he's depressed). Only do this if you tell him(without lying)that you really value him and feel valued in return, because he might see it as you not loving him anymore with the skewed depressed perspective and all(and that would hurt him really bad).
Whaddya say, OP?
1,000 years ago depressed members of society were generally writing poems and creating the foundation of literature, without which you wouldn't have half the education you do now. Dipshit.
Tell him to try St John's Wort, it's a herbal supplement which you can find at pharmacies or health food shops. There are people who say that it's helped them with their depression.