I'm dumb (2)

1 Name: Citrus scented dish liquid : 2011-05-07 10:43 ID:qBofACX3

Heyo, I've been having some bad feelings recently, unfortunately it's not very interesting.

I'm unemployed, I live with my mother, my girlfriend lives 2 hours (on the train) away and also lives with her mother. We have been together for around a year and a half, and have known each other for about 3 years now. We met over the internet, and visit each other in turn, so I'll stay at her house for a few days, then after 1-2 weeks she'll visit me for a few days and so on.

Whenever we're together, we get along really well, we share the same interests, make each other laugh, have great sex, everything. When we we're apart and talk online, we still make each other laugh, we'll play games online together and generally try and do as much of the stuff we do when we're together (if her crappy virgin media connection is playing nicely).

She recently got pushed into a "lets help you find employment!" scheme by her job centre. For Americans who don't know what I'm talking about, if you're struggling to find work, you get picked up by the government to help you find work with £100 every 2 weeks or so to keep you on your feet. Yeah we're a pair of useless fuckers, I know.
Anyway, she was there for 4 weeks, and now she's going to be there for a further 13 weeks.

There's a guy there who's her friend (around her age) that she talks about to me a fair amount, she doesn't praise him, it's usually jokes about him. He's recently been stalking her name over the internet and adding her on messenger things, facebook whatever so he can talk to her.
In the next 13 weeks, we won't be seeing each other as there will be no time to because of this course, so she will essentially be spending 6 hours a day with this guy.

Since a couple of days ago, I've essentially given up on talking to her. I don't want to talk to her at all, if I do I just get frustrated with her, so I've made myself unreachable. I know this is more than likely being stupidly insecure, but it just feels like the setup from a couple of relationships I've already been in and I really don't want the stress again.

I know I should probably approach her about it, but I have no idea what good that would do at all. I'd probably get a "don't be silly" and that's the end of that. But that's also what happened in the last relationship I was in, and that was a bundle of fucking fun.
I trust the girl, which kinda contradicts what I've already typed, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm just going to lose to this guy.

It's hard to explain, I'm just being stupid, jealous, and immature more than likely. I just don't feel like talking to her because I'll just set myself up for disappointment.

Welp I can't be bothered to weed out typos, run on sentences and grammar errors out of this, so have fun haha.
TIA for any advice.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-05-13 03:19 ID:Heaven

You are only dumb if you believe you are dumb

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