Here's the thing.
I closed myself for quite a few years now. I still have fear of humans in general, I rarely talk in public, but if I get to trust someone, I'm very talkative. I CAN make conversation if I feel comfortable enough with someone. In general, I feel depressed most of the time, but I no longer bother other people whining about it.
For the last few years, I gained a few pounds. I'm not obese, but I got some belly. But I always was overweight so there's no real physical difference, apart from a few clothes not fitting anymore. I'll work on that from now on, in the end of the year I'll get as I used to be. That's it.
Now, the situation.
I met this girl one and a half years ago in a friend's party. She seems to be nice, and we share some common tastes - enough for long conversations about it.
We never got any further contact until recently. She added me in FB, and from times to times we exchange words. I became somewhat interested. I'm not drooling with love for her, please mind it.
A few days ago, I shared something, then she shared it from me. It seems a friend of her somehow is interested in me.
(I play in a band, someday she stopped me in the middle of the street and asked for an autograph - it scared me like hell though. I remember this episode happening, but I don't remember the girl. She is a friend in common with another member of the band, she must have attended one of our shows)
And so, now she said she MUST take us out to properly meet eachother... Me, and her friend. But... I'm interested in her, not her friend. Altough I don't really remember what she looked like, I remember I didn't really liked what I saw.
She already talked about a meeting with our friend in common, it seems. I didn't give a proper yes or no yet, nor did I even mention my friend we have been talking, and I don't think it's really necessary. It's not like I'm feeling in an emergency case, and I have already bothered him to death with my depression years ago.
If it can't be helped, it's ok: but I want to know if I can softly turn the table on this, and hang out with her instead of her friend.
watch your butt! You don't have many friends, at the moment; and you're working on making friends, at your own comfortable speed. Good. But... if you come onto this ONE Chick and she says "no, back-off dude" then those words might send you backwards into your cave for another couple years. If you had numerous more Connections with the "out-side world" then... ONE devastation from a chick would Not wound you so much. (I'm a cave-man too. people suck & i do get horny)
If you tell her: "I wanna bang-a-gong with you, and I want our friendship to grow 1st & always." ...she might pull the lame-dum-chick routine and flake-out & never talk to you again.
But if she's a Human Being.. (oh man, that's a lot to bet on) ..then she knows how to communicate & will choose to do so. But watch your Butt! Chances are she's another airhead, and had no idea that you have a libido.
Maybe you should just keep her as a friend; and work (at your own speed) on accumulating MORE friends, and then eventually a local love-bunny down the road.