So she's moving back home... (4)

1 Name: Imhotep : 2012-08-22 07:06 ID:UBxaHu2t

So me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years in university so far. Just recently, about 2 months ago, her mother was diagnosed with cancer from her dad's chain smoking, so technically both her parents have cancer at stage 3-4.

Her family runs a fairly large corporation and she's expected to take over eventually, just not so soon. As of now she's being asked to finish college back home so she can learn to run the business.

I'm actually okay with her flying back home, its only an hour and a half flight from my city to hers, but she doesnt exactly feel easy about the sudden change in her life.

So i'm wondering how to go about the relationship while she's busy finishing her degree back home while working, while i'm finishing mine and planning for law school. Long distance isn't
exactly easy because her parents aren't really fond of me for 3

  1. I'm not pure Chinese, only 1/4 and can't speak Mandarin despite speaking several other languages.
  2. I can't be leveraged or intimidated by her parents. Not exactly a 1 percenter here but both our families are well off.
  3. They don't really have any other decent alternative for their daughter. All the men her father introduced are lanky spineless chinese men who can't even look you in the eye. She walked all over them.

So any suggestions?

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