The "What mp3 player do you use?" Thread. (233)

77 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-10-29 00:56 ID:Heaven

I'm looking for a good software mp3 player for linux! Maybe you guys can help me out:

What I want is a minimal player but one that has playlist support. Really just a playlist with a play/pause button attached to it would work. Something like XMMS is nice too. BUT: All the ones I've tried have sucked for various reasons, many of them really stupid and small but impossible to ignore! Check it:

XMMS and beep: Both have broken alt+tab behavior. XMMS doesn't surface unless you release the tab key, and beep only surfaces the main window, stranding the playlist window with no way to get to it other than minimizing everything. :(

mpd/ncmpc: I love ncmpc's interface, but mpd makes me rescan my mp3 directory every time I add something new or change a name or anything! I tend to download a lot of music, and I also have an mp3 player that acts as a portable hard drive, so having to rescan that thing everytime I plug it in after i've downloaded something is an incredible hassle!

mplayer/xine/whatever: I want a playlist window on the window, darn it, and I don't want to have to open it up.

big media center apps like amarok or whatever else: I want something I don't have to run maximized...

snackamp: broken on my machine for some reason. It won't let me add more than one file at a time.

mp3blaster: incredibly unintuitive interface! I literally could not figure it out. Looked nice otherwise.

orpheus: what i'm using right now. But it loads in directories all randomly and not in alphabetical order, which screws up the track order, unless you alphabetize the entire playlist. Plus it takes 7 seconds a huge amount of hard drive loading to switch tracks! why??

In short, I've been working at this for like two afternoons and I'm getting frustrated! Help!

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