i really like the new Coldplay album. i think it's better than the older ones.
anyone else have any other thoughts about it?
It's getting more depressive by the album...
I've never heard of this band.
I don't mean to be a troll, but I'd put Coldplay in the same category with Radiohead -- i.e. "Bands whose success and critical acclaim make no sense to me." I don't like Slipknot, but I understand why some people do. I have no idea what the appeal of Coldplay is.
Some people just plain like to listen to others whine, whine and whine.
I have no idea why.
Radiohead is awesome
Coldplay is so-so
"Speed of Sound" sounds like a U2 song (who I also dislike)
Coldplay makes me want to commit suicide. They're pretty bad.
Coldplay is crap. They're all a bunch of whining fags...
^^And ur a piece of shit! Coldplay are awsome! and their better than ur "I'm emo let me go cut myself Fall Out Boy wannabe's" shit!