indie rock (12)

1 Name: bb 2005-07-26 19:04 ID:8BLuRvl7

does anybody know indie rock?

2 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-07-26 20:46 ID:/w7zSpFH


3 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-07-27 07:03 ID:GBwbHyGh

i would be supriesed if someone didnt

4 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-07-27 20:08 ID:fKXEUe4e

pinback rox

5 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-07-27 21:16 ID:kM/WdClC

Does independent visual kei count count as indie rock, or is it only shitty English-language pop-rock?

6 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-04 22:50 ID:AuSxZVCC

Why do you want indie rock? All the good rock died a long time a go. Anyone who still plays rock is just copying off the old rock and has no creativity of their own. It's time to move on and find new music to listen to.

7 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-05 00:19 ID:Heaven

What is this thing New Music you´re talking about?

8 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-12 17:31 ID:1lDwt3EQ

I think rock music is just in a slump right now. Apparently record labels are only interested in the quick buck and don't cultivate an artist's career like they used to.

9 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-13 09:36 ID:Heaven

I believe listeners, these days, are more into quick fixes and don´t really care as much for an artist´s career as they used.
Downloading everything of the artist, listening to a couple of songs, delete, move on to the next artist... At least, that´s the way I´ve been listening to music, ever since mp3 showed up.

10 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-15 06:29 ID:r5+htQAM

It kind of comes naturally with the whole informational overkill that the internet provides that consumers will filter through a lot more stuff than they would in offline life.

11 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-08-18 16:05 ID:5of6+G6V

Rock really isn't in a slump. You just have to look hard enough to find a band that you would like. There is such a huge amount of bands that it becomes difficult to find the right type of music. What people need to learn to do is turn off the radio and begin to research bands on their own. Ask friends who they like and start from there.

ps. Fuck Clear Channel!

12 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-12-24 02:21 ID:Heaven

>does anybody know indie rock?

indie rock is very obscure and you probably haven't heard of it

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