Moe Denpa Songs Turned Extreme Metal (28)

9 Name: ♪ ☆ Unpopular Popstar ☆ ♪ 2005-11-11 20:27 ID:SG2+A7yK

>I'm sorry if you failed to detect the tongue-in-cheekness in my statement.

Note how I said 'silly' and not 'stupid' or 'idiotic' or 'DQN' or whatever.

>If you've listened to enough moe denpa songs you definitely can find a pattern. A few years back when the term "denpa" wasn't so widespread, composers of this genre (is it a genre?) may have been just playful, but these days they are DELIBERATELY exploiting the potential of this formula.

So? That goes for everything. Denpa, metal, bubblegum, punk, a song by a young German girl about a crocodile called Schnappi. When someone likes something, he/she will often try to make something similar to it. Or alternatively (and more commonly), if someone sees something being liked by a substantial enough group, he/she will try to make something similar to it in order to cash in on its popularity. And whenever there is similarity, there are patterns.

>And why are you so obsessed with the tentacle monster rape image? When I play/listen to extreme metal, I never think of monsters, rapes and stuff, let alone tentacles.

It does to me. Especially the voices. Man, those are creepy.
Furthermore, this kind of metal, to me at least, is rather... overwhelming to the senses. Like rape. Or at least the popular depiction of rape. I dunno, I've never been raped.
So you've got monsters, you've got rape... what does that spell? Tentacle monster rape.

>What I'm doing is simply to see what can be made out of the most unlikely combination, and also a tribute to my favorite moe denpa songs as an an extreme metal fan.

I realise that much, but even unlikely combinations need an area where they compliment each other (unless you're pregnant, anyway).

>I don't understand why anyone would not consider "Neko Mimi Mode" moe denpa.

It doesn't sound like other moe denpa songs. I mean, you've got the cute, childlike vocals and the fairly high-pitched instrumentation and... that's pretty much where the similarities end.
But then, all I know of denpa is from experience; that is, based on songs I've heard that were labled denpa. I have yet to see a real description of it (mainly because I haven't found one yet). So you might have a point. (and once again, it is proven that an ignoramus with experience is still ignorant).

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