since i'm not sure if this forum is more frequently visited by americans or englishmen, my first question is:
does anybody know FRANZ FERDINAND?
those who know them i would like to ask what they think about that band. in my opinion they are one of the most important ( well i don't know if their music is real rock, but let's call them this ) rockbands. their completely new sound has no equivalent in today's music world. their lyrics are abstract but still, linked with their music, fresh and interesting.
Know them. Not original, not fresh, but good music nonetheless. I mainly know them for "Take Me Out".
I know them from the ending theme of Parakiss. I think it is "Do You Want To" the title.
I only heard a little of them, but I like what I heard.
A friend of mine stated that FF were an inferior spawn stylewise of some older band, or something along those lines. I wish I could rememeber which one, I'll try to dig up the name. Hopefully I still have those conversation logs from a year ago.
I've heard "40 ft", "Dark of the Matinee", "Take me out" and "Do you want to" - listed in order of preference, the top fav being listed first.
However, though I don't know the band my friend spoke of, I still can't state FF sounds unique nor remarkably special in my ears. I've heard plenty of bands that have styles that are in some ways similar to FF. Problem being that I listen to random music all the bloody time, radio, tv, etc, so I can't provide you with a list of bands. orz
...I can't seem to find the logs, I guess they must have been on the HDD that died. I'll ask my friend what band he was talking about the next time I see him online.
I love FF. One of my favorite bands, one of the few punk bands I really like.
I heard they're popular with the hipster crowd.
...or maybe they were before they got that big.
hipsters are like that. they love a band because they are small. as soon as they become big, even if they haven't changed, hipster claim they sold out and go to some other band.
I like "Michael", mainly because I had a massive gay crush on someone called Michael when I first heard it.
Pretty good band
>>6 FF is no where near punk. Maybe post-punk, but that's stretching it.
Darts of pleasure is the best~
Has anybody heard either the Daft Punk remix or The Avalanches remix of FF? Daft Punk did Take Me Out, Avalanches did Fade Together. I'm curious if they're any good, in respect to both FFs and the remixers genre...
I like a couple of songs of FF, like "Take me out".
But their other songs are a bit too dark and moany for me.