MP3 player hunting (7)

1 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-11-15 16:22 ID:jl2Wpi4g

Hey guys,
I've been searching for a few days now for an MP3 player that meets my needs, but despite being relatively simple, I can't find one - I thought you guys might know about one that fits this description?

  • 2GB flash memory
  • Shows up as a generic USB drive to add songs AND other data as a flashdrive. It'd be nice to avoid freaky proprietary cables, but if it's USB on the PC end it really doesn't matter.
  • Can display Japanese song titles / won't die from Japanese filenames (I've killed a Lexar this way... >:o )

It would also be nice if it had its own battery, but not essential. I'm amazed how many players DON'T support Japanese or Unicode though - I've even heard of some from Creative, and they're in Singapore, aren't they? My first Nomad Jukebox did Japanese with Asian firmware...

My closest match is a Samsung YH-Z5 - I heard it can be switched to different language modes, but I'm not clear on whether I can store files on it - I heard newer firmware versions let it appear as a flash drive though. Any idea? In the meantime I'll search for reviews and if I find out, I'll post it here.

Anyway, thanks for checking this out...

2 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-11-15 19:47 ID:jl2Wpi4g

I return victorious!

I dug up more on the Z5 series, and while they didn't always, with a firmware update, they can do Chinese normal or traditional, Japanese, and Korean, and can connect to the PC via UMS mode (USB flashdrive) and copy any file type to it for storage, though apparently there are issues flipping back and forth between UMS and... um... the other standard for using apps and media players to sync.

So yeah, if you guys are looking for a cheap, Japanese-capable flash MP3 player, this seems to be it. After reading the forums for them it seems like a solid device.

3 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-11-18 01:05 ID:qzv1frLP

My Rio Forge supports Japanese names and files, sadly though, Rio doesn't make MP3 players anymore.

4 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-12-23 06:54 ID:JcEitC8z

I'm on my third Creative mp3 player; my first two work fine, I upgrade for size (250mb->1gig->30gig). They may not be the end all be all of mp3 players, srsly, 4 devoted ipodders ended up going with my current version (Zen Vision: M) after their pods died and Apple service fucked them over.

I know the Nano Plus (1 gig player) did korean and japanese file names, because that was what it was loaded with most of the time, and it worked as a flash drive. Um, I haven't checked with the Vision:M because most of the stuff that I listen to frequently is romanized, but I imagine it would do it; unfortunately (and it kind of irritates me), it doesn't come up with a flash drive. D<

Creative probably has something for you; I'm not fangirling them or anything, it's just that I've loved every product I've had from them, and my first player is 4 years old and is more durable than an original game boy. Good luck finding a good one. :D

5 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-12-23 07:03 ID:eMt4Brh1

Actually, I just got rid of my 30 gig Zen Xtra after, on a trip home from school, the hard drive died. At first, there were just a few corrupt sectors. Then, suddenly, the sector with the firmware died and it just WOULD NOT start up. I replaced it with a 30 gig iPod video and, despite my aversion to Apple products, have been rather pleased.

As far as flash players I'm fangirling?
Mainly, the Meizu mini player. Good god, if I didn't need something with a larger capacity...

6 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2006-12-25 16:19 ID:jWF58jvd

I had a cheap (1GB flash) player off Ebay that supported Japanese song names, but you had to set the menus to Japanese for them to display properly. And with cheap no-name generic electronics being what they are, you probably wouldn't be able to tell if one was using the same firmware as mine until you actually switched it on.

7 Name: Pierre : 2006-12-27 10:28 ID:xKORHmky

i have an "KX-707" MP3 player. google on "KX-707" it's an 100 GB, USB 1.1 and 2.0.

here is a link to the one i bought

I hope it works

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