Emo Sucks (17)

13 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-01-24 11:48 ID:/2lofQQI

I agree with the point you are making. This can very well be seen with the kids who shop at hot topic but that isn't to say that everyone who shops at hot topic is emo or a scene kid. The problem I see with emo (a broad term I think because all music is emotional) is the sadness is brings. I think it could be affecting some of the youth and making them more depressed. The depression will cause them to not want to do anything at all and slowly kill all will. If you listen to the music now it's not about getting over and women and feeling better about it or getting over a death and continuing (which I think the dead would want) it's just about the feeling of sadness when it happens and that's it. But it also depends on the person themselves and how they perceive everything. Music though is a gate to the soul and it's emotions.

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