How hard do you think it is to break into the music scene?
If you can read/write musical notation and play an instrument or sing already, than I'm you just need to find employment with a stage band, or play your flute in the subway for spare change.
If your asking about becoming a world-famous rock/popstar, just forget it.
which music scene? :3
there are different ways to get into different ones.
It generally depends where in the world and how much talent you have. In North America, if you're part of a band, you can make studio recording samples and send them out to various labels, though even after you're signed, it may take you several years to get going. If you're solo, you can sign on with an agency, eg. JRP or whatnot and take classes and attend auditions, etc. But overall, it's a long and labourous process.
Either look nice so people can look at you for a long time, or be super fucking talented.
Rock- Go get boozed up and shoot some heroin.
Rap- Shoot a few cops.
Pop- Have sex constantly with underaged girls.
It's THAT simple.
Mods- write a 64K demo.