What's up with all the bad music? (39)

6 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-08-02 23:30 ID:aHwE2GYD

>>1 Perhaps I'm not understanding your post. If you are in fact saying that the "emo" and "indie" genres are a welcome escape from Hip-Hop then I would like to formally request that you kill yourself.

An opinion so poorly formed can only be made correct by it DYING with your body. Hip hop as of late may be completed crap (save a few tracks here and there on the latest releases from Common, NaS, and Jay-Z) and fell to a level now where it's not even a song, just some random assortment of crap thrown together to make some retarded looking dance to, but that doesn't give you a reason to say that somehow this "emo" and "indie" garbage are any better.

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