What's with all the elitists? (11)

1 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-10-21 19:01 ID:O56SQuh2

Is anyone else sick of people complaining about other people's music taste?

If you don't like it, don't listen to it. Is this so hard for certain idiots to grasp?

2 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-10-21 19:40 ID:fcUq/BmL



3 Name: yaaaa guey : 2007-10-26 06:23 ID:4F9rxkkV


In all honesty, very rarely is there a good solid piece of music out there. Mainstream is crap and everyone these days believe they can play an instrument well or sing well enough to be a pro at it and they're all full of crap. Nevertheless! The point is that some people who have studied music and know its art form profoundly have the right to be elitist. They know what the hell they're talking about.

4 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-10-26 10:45 ID:Heaven

Fuck you. Shut up.

Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.

5 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-11-02 08:16 ID:l9/xYvnu

i wish i knew. i only tell my music tastes to my girlfriend, because i know everyone else would bash me. -.-;

6 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-11-02 09:32 ID:cICccwqA

Why would you want to listen to that unbearable mainstream garbage?

Don't be one of those morons listening to a lossy encoded pop song with cheap audio equipment.

7 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-12-23 21:11 ID:9IphHJOL

Elitists are dickheads. The irony is that those fucktards are too stupid to tell the difference between good or bad mainstream music. It's all bad to them. Cockminds.

8 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-12-26 02:04 ID:3FIshsqr

Hey guys, how can I learn to hate all the music that will lower my social status? Some of them are quite enjoyable, but I don't want to be banned for the coolest Last.fm groups.

9 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-12-26 04:26 ID:3+8fUP0N

i find myself always bashing a band or someone's musical taste and then turn around and end up liking it. it's kind of a process of getting new music. see, i have the unfortunate infliction of speaking bullshit, stuff i don't even know. i don't even think about it. it actually helps me get new music.

i am in no way an elitist, i find that yes, some have the right to be elitist, but only by certain lines of logic. then again, speaking of it in that way just says that anyone can't be elitist. all in all, if you are a dick be prepared to be treated like one. personally i find audiophiles, and self-proclaimed "experts" unbearable because they leave no room for listening and just critique. which is where we get to my point. it's terrible bothering yourself with being elitist. think of how much time you waste caring about who made what and where, how it was made with what equipment. in the end all you're really doing is making what isn't complicated complicated.

before you look up anything about a band, and waste tons of time trying to factor it in to how good a band is in addition to the music, just try listening maybe. it really makes a lot of shit simpler.

but, then again a little background info never hurt anyone. just don't waste too much time dawdling on it. k done.

10 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-12-26 17:17 ID:cICccwqA

If you guys don't like musical dickheads, then never ever go to 4chan's /mu/sic board.

11 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2007-12-26 23:05 ID:Heaven


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