I want to buy a bass so I can actually record some bass lines on my computer.
I manly make drum and bass, and I was wondering what type of bass I should get. I was thinking a jazz bass would work out better, but tbqh I don't know shit about bass.
I know some basic stuff on the bass, but I don't really need anything super expensive.
Grab a starter kit. Won't last forever but it's good enough to begin, and not too expensive.
start with a fender squire, don't invest money unless you're really serious about it. plus the squire will work more than well.
Make sure you know what you need to be able to record to your pc, both hardware and software, so it doesn't sound like shit. To be honest, I would think it's much easier to make a bassline on a program than learning to play bass guitar at a good enough level to be able to consistently play in tempo with a good tone. Or get a midi-input keyboard and learn that - then you can use it to control other melodies and instruments rather than just buying an instrument for one aspect of the music production process. Of course, if you've got money to burn yeah go for it its always good to have more instruments. Go to a music shop, specifically one that sells a wide range of guitars, (look up shop reviews online if you can, or speak to other guitar players from your area to find their opinion of the various shops) - go in there and explain to the guys in there what you want to do and ask what basses they recommend. Try a few out, see what feels nice in your hand etc. Don't feel pressured into buying an instrument just because you've gone in there and tried out a few.