Hey I'm looking into getting into Japanese Hip Hop, but I don't know where to start, can anyone recommend some good stuff to start with?
teriyaki boyz
Dragon Ash. I don't pay much attention to the genre, but I know I like Dragon Ash.
tha blue herb
(and i presume you've gone through nujabes and the like)
Nujabes is a cool producer, and Shing02 is a cool rapper
America has a huge amount of shit pop music, and a small amount of some very creative stuff when you do a little digging (I'm not including all the legends, simply talking about 2008). Japan on the other hand has some pretty god-awful music too, but the ratio of shit:creative is a lot smaller.
try like Kawada Mami or Mizuki Nana, there really good!!!!
Sure, if you like being either pretentious in your own home, or manically depressed. Not one of you clowns thought about Shakkazombie yet?
Rip Slyme
Halcali - aren't they hip hop?
Home Made Kazoku and M-Flo are in my opinion some pretty cool bands.
DJ Krush. You should start with hip, OP.
HALCALI is not hip-hop. It's just a quite nice girls trying to rap.
Also, Michita, ShinSight Trio, Himuki.
Do Heartsdales count?
Or... Hannya? I don't know.
Buddha Brand, DJ Hasebe, Minmi, NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND, RIP SLYME, shakkazombie, Shing02, and yes heartsdales counts (゜▽゜)