Any recommendation for japan music and band group (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-12 02:49 ID:6DyREqHn

hi i have been listening to quite a few japan band groups like high and mighty colour, chatmonchy and sambomaster, i still can't get enough of it. anyone has any good music to recommend or share? 0_o

2 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2008-12-12 16:09 ID:XHpuDjFQ


3 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2008-12-12 22:22 ID:xD4F8Lfk


4 Name: ♪ ☆ Anonymous Popstar ☆ ♪ : 2008-12-15 08:32 ID:o7982LGG

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