N. Korea: Solution to nuke dispute possible (6)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-13 17:11 ID:+lswTbsg [Del]

"North Korea said Saturday that it was "quite possible" to settle the international standoff over its nuclear weapons program if the United States allows for the existence of the communist regime."

2 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-13 18:28 ID:6KIFDtKw [Del]

George W. Bush will no doubt say that 'they are hiding something' if they want to 'resolve the conflict without violence.'

It's the same thing that happened to Iraq. But this time, it'll be WWIII, since by the time America replies, they'll no doubt have the entire STARWARS program up in the air. (Literally.)

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-14 11:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

I doubt that North Corea will be a second Iraq. North Corea isn't inherently violent, as the Iraq was and still is and thus poses no immediate danger to the world.

North Corea suffers from more substantial issues than the Iraq and everybody knows that. It is just a matter of whose help North Corea will accept under which conditions. I believe China will play the biggest role here, but it's also unclear to me how much the reunification talks with South Korea will progress and how all of this will play into the eventual death of Kim Jong Il, which will be the neccessary key factor in any real major change.

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-14 12:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


North Corea?

6 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-15 15:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

ah thanks.

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