Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The All-People Committee for the Proper Liquidation of the Past reportedly called a press conference for "the declaration of a struggle to fully achieve a law on the proper liquidation of the past" in Seoul on Nov. 2, demanding that the political quarters buckle down to a comprehensive liquidation of the past. The declaration read out at the press conference noted that the conservative forces including the Grand National Party were shunning the liquidation of the past because they sought to defend their interests, swimming against the trend of the times towards the settlement of the grudges of the people who had to die tragic death at the hand of the power in the past.
When a new society should be sought, not a step forward can be made without properly clarifying numerous scandals and murder cases distorted and concealed by the dictatorial power in the past, said the declaration.
Vowing to fight undauntedly against the political forces trying to avoid a proper liquidation of the past and distort its real nature, it urged the ruling party get to work for a comprehensive liquidation of past and all the political circles demanding the liquidation cooperate with each other for a democratic reform.
All the conscientious forces and bereaved families of those who fell in the fight for democracy and democratic organizations should rise up in the campaign for the institution of a law for the proper liquidation of the past, it stressed.
Either this is 1984, or I have no idea what those two paragraphs mean. Or maybe both?