new news now (6)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-04 02:41 ID:gp76EpmQ [Del]

Wikipedia opened a news page

2 Name: Ichigo Pie!UXPNoPan6M 2004-12-04 20:59 ID:NOwqLQ0g [Del]

Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikispecies and now Wikinews...
Now all there's left is a Wikichan.

3 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 01:00 ID:vhDFXXGQ [Del]

Wikibucks, where you can drink Wikicoffee

4 Name: Unverified Source 2004-12-08 08:46 ID:G+03c7+w [Del]

Wikicoffee... is that like coffee everyone in the entire internet is allowed to piss in?

5 Name: hk0!0khonVgaHI 2004-12-08 22:55 ID:r9yRcmTw [Del]

I can see it now!

This just in: Todd Smells

6 Name: Unverified Source 2004-12-09 14:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


We all knew that already.

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