California sets fines for spyware (4)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/01(Sat)15:25 ID:XGD76pXv [Del]
"From 1 January, a new law is being introduced to protect computer users from software known as spyware."
"Consumers are able to seek up to $1,000 in damages if they think they have fallen victim to the intrusive software.
The new law marks a continuing trend in California towards tougher privacy rights."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger approved the measure"

2 Name: Ichigo Pie!Ko55Odaof2!!S529IW+c 05/01/01(Sat)18:19 ID:nvyk7+Ze [Del]

Too bad I don't live in California... I'd just turn off Spybot and use Internet Explorer for a week and I'd be at least $10,000 richer.

3 Name: Morg!MPEaAQqH7w 05/01/02(Sun)01:48 ID:F6L+ja9T [Del]

I'd be so rich if I lived in Califormia. :(

4 Name: Unverified Source 05/01/02(Sun)21:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

I live in California but I use Linux. :(

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