"Astronomers [] found that the universe is flat with ripples that began as the tiniest variations in radiation left over from the Big Bang"
And here I though we were living in a huge hotdog. >:D
Personally, I thought the double-donut theory sounded more appetizing. OO
"The world is flat!" reminds me too much of old superstitions.
Well, at least we won't get eaten. That's always a plus.
Admit it, you read that as 'flat, with nipples' too.
The universe is loli?!
Maybe all three theories are right?
Close view: a flat and circular nipple.
Slightly away: that nipple is laying on an infinite sausage.
Further away: the sausage actually curves into a donut.
Further further away: the donut shows to have a sister.
>>5 Yeah I read it as universe is flat with nipples too! lol, I pictured a picture of a milky way or galaxy or whatever with nipples floating on it.
It reminds me of the episode of Ping Pong Club where one of the guys said that he forgot something and the other guy was like WHAT? and he said "my...nipples" and then a picture of his two nipples floating on the bathtub were shown. Of course, it was a lie.
I also like how the sentence "Mapping the galaxies" was made me laugh