MPAA Now Targets Children (11)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/30(Sun)23:06 ID:qWYmoIqi
"The Movie Association for America's (MPAA) free Parent File Scan software lets parents check their children's computers for peer-to-peer programs."
"The MPAA said in a statement that it would continue to provide easy access to similar tools in the coming months to combat "the deleterious effects of peer-to-peer software, including such common problems as viruses, Trojan horses and identity theft"."

lol, "deleterious."
The MPAA and co. are probably the major makers of viruses and Trojans today. When I look at for p2p software, I see many fakes that are full of crap. And someone is very busy writing false positive reviews to trick people to install those malwares. They even have false web pages.

6 Name: Unverified Source 05/01/31(Mon)14:08 ID:Heaven

I, Anonymous installed the program. I bolted down the firewall, and kept the virus scanner to my side.. just in case.

Well, I started it, and after clicking through enough "I AGREE" bullshit statement I have this conclusion to present to you:


It will target things by filename and extension. That's it. It found Azureus and DC++ straight up, and called a flash movie "twister.exe" a p2p client. Whatever. It also offers the ability to "remove" the p2p applications, I didnt let it, so I have no idea if it cleanly uninstalls, or just deletes things.

It then went and found anything with .wav, .mp3, ogg, avi etc etc extension. It seemed to have ignored the DVDISO's, and missed a couple of thousand songs (they are .m4a). Doesn't touch zip files either. Also found my (legitimate) copy of ut2k4 and all the OGG audio contained in it.

This program is not a threat, it's a joke . Maybe dangerous if some kid was stupid enough to let their parents have administrator privilages to a box they dont even know how to turn on.

Fuck I can't wait to uninstall this piece of shit...

7 Name: Unverified Source 05/01/31(Mon)14:11 ID:Heaven


This program is kick-arse for making a text file log of all your mp3, anime etc so you can share lists. There is an icon called "Save Results", and it'll save everything into a nice, neat text file. Listed all my anime in order, the lot.

Maybe it does have some potential...


8 Name: Unverified Source 05/01/31(Mon)14:14 ID:Heaven



9 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/31(Mon)15:42 ID:RC/jnB6G

Go to and the p2p download section and read the negative comments for those new-kid-on-the-block p2p's, that one has never heard of before. The web page for these fakes is typical, always one or two pages, with a clean, professional design, minimalist information, and few subdirectories.
I haven't bothered to do a DNS lookup for these sites but I'm willing to bet they are owned by Protected Media, Overpeer or some other **AA-controller minion.
Also see
It's no secret that the MPAA/RIAA has been uploading infected files, filled-with-zeroes files, and damaged files into Kazaa since a long while.

A few very suspicious (IMO) examples:
Warez P2P:




and so on and so on.
FreeWire P2P
...Ha, I notice that many of these end with "P2P"...

You could also check it for yourself: install one of these on a clean machine that you don't use. Then run a battery of tests looking for spywares, viruses and trojans.
Warning, don't use your own machine. According to reports, several of these virii/spywares/trojans cannot be removed without extended work or a reformat.

10 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/31(Mon)15:59 ID:RC/jnB6G

And what are you going to say to the judge?
"I was looking for some illegal mp3/mpeg and that shiny program I installed infected my computer, it took me five hours to clean up the mess. I still get random reboots since, and my mouse acts crazy now and then."
That's probably the **AA tactic. They assume you won't be complaining because they believe p2p programs are for pirating only.

Now, there could be some other interest behind this current explosion of very nasty semi-working P2P programs we see on zdnet and other download sites. The question then is, if it's not the **AA, who are they?

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/31(Mon)21:31 ID:jWe490Ee


LimeWire is a well-known old Gnutella client. Nothing fishy there as far as I know. But I do know of these suspicious-looking P2P programs, but I've never downloaded and taken one apart. has no contact info whatsoever in the whois database, and could probably lose their domain in a heartbeat for that, except the whole registrar business has turned pretty shady lately.

Interesting is also that a traceroute on ends up at, which happens to be the home of AresGalaxy too. It's an obvious scam, but the real question is who's behind it. Could be spammers trying to trojan machines, or a credit card stealing program...

Well, is registered through a Network Solutions proxy. See what I said earlier about the registrar business being shady? Why would you even start a service to anonymously register domain, except to get money of scammers? Well, only one thing left to try. Download the sucker. I wish I had a sandbox machine to run it on...

Aw damn, my decompressor can't open the exe files directly. I'd have to set up more of a protected environment before I'd feel like running those... Maybe it's time to fire up VMware. If I do, I'll post the results.

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