Hello, I'm from Japan.
I read on 2ch that the horrible law will be introduced
that the Japanese media haven't broadcast.
The link to the thread I read is
Some of them wanted any help to stop the law.
The 79 in the thread translated what the law is like.
Please read it.
Why haven't the media made known to japanese citizens
the law that would change the Japanese society/
system completely?
Guess it's because of corruption...
I mean they are very forced to keep it secret.
Most of Japanese people haven't known
what's going on in the diet.
As a matter of fact, I haven't until I read it online.
Even a bad and horrible law could shackle people
after it was made effective...
Only 10 days are left before the law takes freedom of speech
from Japanese people.
Is this related to the changes to the constitution discussed here? http://4-ch.net/politics/kareha.pl/1109699297/
I did read the law for a bit, and thought the reference to the non-existent "Sub-section 5" to be somewhat strange.
Well, I don't know..
As far as I know, though, what'll be decided and introduced
is the law, and I don't think they will
change the Constitution, not this time.
But the article on the thread you derected me to
doesn't seem unreal to me.
I'm very afraid that a horrible stuff will be decided
in secret and on their whim..
>Further, it emphasizes the obligations citizens have to defend >the country, protect their families and the environment and >respect life, even at the expense of individual freedoms.
I'd strongly speak against these ridicurous obligations.
Defending one's own family is not an obligation any law
can put on the individual!
I mean to say, if the Japanese constitution
defines it, it will end up with conscription.
I'm sure almost all Japanese citizens
don't want to wage any war at all. But the new law will
damage our thought...
pls read:
you can copy&paste it to 2ch threads too
LDP to revise human rights bill for resubmission to Diet
Thank you for your information. That article means a lot to us.