1TB hard drives soon (5)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-04-05 01:52 ID:vUF/botW

The technology called Perpendicular Recording is considered to be an evolution to the world of hard drives. According to technical specifications, this new method of magnetizing particles on two opposite ends of hard drives is similar to what you find in today’s hard drives. The only difference, however, is that the magnetically charged particles will be perpendicular instead of longitudinal. This methodology results in applying more particles into a smaller disk area, thereby, increasing the overall hard drive capacity.

2 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-04-05 07:37 ID:o/7n6XTA

I can see the days of floppy backup again.

Only this time it'll be a large stack of DVDs, not floppies.

3 Name: Unverified Source 2005-04-06 05:43 ID:Heaven

>>2 It's already happening. I have cakes full of DVD's with data burnt off. They are starting to make a real mess in my room :(

4 Name: Unverified Source 2005-04-06 19:49 ID:FNtP/PLY

Mmm... cake.

5 Name: Unverified Source 2005-04-06 21:18 ID:xqVS/9tM

>The technology called Perpendicular Recording is considered to be an evolution to the world of hard drives. According to technical specifications, this new method of magnetizing particles on two opposite ends of hard drives is similar to what you find in today’s hard drives. The only difference, however, is that the magnetically charged particles will be perpendicular instead of longitudinal. This methodology results in applying more particles into a smaller disk area, thereby, increasing the overall hard drive capacity.

And they cost $1000 each.

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