North Korea provoke U.S. (2)

1 Name: Unverified Source 2005-05-15 14:08 ID:HQlVNMB4
[English translation]
A North Korea central television broadcast the scene where the helicopter for the U.S. military OH-58C scout that exceeded the military demarcate line in county Eharamiti Kongo Italian cloth hometown (Can'wond Cmugangn Ipori) region on December 17,'94 is made to be shot down on the morning of the 15th. The helicopter pilot (Bobby hall warrant officer) who lived is raising his/her hand, and remains in warrant officer high Le Mans who died at the shooting down this time are seen in the next of that.

2 Name: Sid 2005-05-17 16:27 ID:A6V9w2Tl

I really hate that South Korean government has a peaceful mind aginst North Korea...

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