Piano Man (3)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-05-19 04:46 ID:8/hR80tk

"He is tall and fair-haired, in his 20s or 30s and, to judge from his clothing, he had emerged from the sea.

He simply appeared, dripping wet, in a black dinner suit, white shirt and necktie. Curiously, all the designer labels from his clothes had been ripped out."

"Interpreters were called in to try different languages, but elicited no response."

"After a time, his caregivers handed him paper and a pencil, hoping he might write something. But instead, he drew a detailed picture of a grand piano."

"a social worker assigned to him, led him to the piano"
"it really was amazing. He played for several hours, non-stop, until he collapsed.""

"The man cries sometimes and smiles now and then, but never speaks. He has communicated, in a way, by writing new pieces of music, which he holds close to his body and will not let anyone see."

"Hospital staff members are denying him access to the piano in an effort to make him speak."

3 Name: Unverified Source 2005-05-19 08:56 ID:eH4rNE+L


Whoa, I totally missed that board.

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