Common chemical may cause defects in baby boys (2)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-05-29 15:42 ID:+V6PCxSy
"For the first time, scientists have shown that pregnant mothers exposed to high but common levels of a widely used ingredient in cosmetics, fragrances, plastics and paints can have baby boys with smaller genitals and incomplete testicular descent."

"A statement from the Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association said the "use of phthalates in cosmetics and personal care products is supported by an extensive body of scientific research and data that confirms safety.""
"But, Swan says, no one had ever studied phthalate exposure in infant boys." (Duh!)

2 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-06-03 14:01 ID:490ghjla

Rat study shows grandpa's poisons may affect you
"Toxic chemicals that poisoned your grandparents, or even great-grandparents, may also affect your health, U.S. researchers suggested on Thursday.

A study in rats shows the effects of certain toxic chemicals were passed on for four generations of males."

"For their study, Skinner and colleagues injected pregnant rats with vinclozolin, a fungicide commonly used in vineyards, and methoxychlor, a pesticide that replaced DDT."

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