Ray gun due to be deployed in Iraq next year (5)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-07-20 20:03 ID:EEpMdCwf

"The Active Denial System weapon, classified as "less lethal" by the Pentagon, fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam at rioters to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds.

The idea is people caught in the beam will rapidly try to move out of it and therefore break up the crowd."

"The magazine said a vehicle-mounted version of the weapon named Sheriff was scheduled for service in Iraq in 2006 and that U.S. Marines and police were both working on portable versions."

2 Name: Unverified Source 2005-07-21 02:57 ID:yD5E/S0R


3 Name: 2005-07-21 06:39 ID:Heaven


Thank you for that very verbose information, fuckwit. How about you provide us with something that proves that you are correct, one word idiot.

4 Name: Unverified Source 2005-07-21 08:42 ID:Heaven


If you think he is an idiot, why do you pay him attention and even sling insults? You are not going to improve anything that way, you know...

5 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-07-21 15:19 ID:Heaven

Slashdot to the rescue:
"I'd never heard of this "microwave weapon" until now, but you may be referring to the "Long Ranged Acoustic Device" which has been in use by police and military for years now. Apparently, with the right sound frequency, it's able to cause nausea and disorientation within seconds. More info can be found here http://www.infowars.com/print/ps/sound_weapon_gop.htm"


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