If a group of US researchers have their way, lions, cheetahs, elephants and camels could soon roam parts of North America, Nature magazine reports.
This is the most wonderfully bugfuck crazy idea I've seen in quite some time.
A cheap spinoff version of Jurassic Park that could actually work? GREATS!
4GET it, I don't think it'll work. Even proponents say that the goal is to bring back species that haven't roamed the North American continent since before Man crossed the Alaskan land bridge. I believe that they may have been gone... oh, I don't know... for a reason? Lovely JP job this'll be.
Most of the original Pleistocene era animals were hunted to extinction by humans. There are many more healthy humans with copius amounts of free time here, even the space is smaller. Medium sized/Big cities are relatively rare in Africa (outside of South Africa)
I have no doubt that we'll be able to bring them over here, but that's not going to stop Billy Joe from trying to hit it with his truck.