Schools Lower Temperatures to Save Money (2)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-12-16 20:16 ID:Yh+slBiN
"As oil and natural gas prices soar, public schools are having to make some tough decisions: turning down the thermostat, finding alternative sources of fuel, even cutting back on the school week."

"With the coldest months ahead, school business officers are worried most about heating their buildings. Rising fuel costs seem to affect the price of just about everything, they say, from furniture and deliveries to construction material and even garbage bags."

2 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-18 23:22 ID:3EPtf0iZ

68 degrees (F) is fine, but in my high school the temperature was under the control of each teacher and tended to vary around the building, and I had several teachers who routinely kept it at 60 or so. One teacher claimed she did it to keep people awake, which I didn't understand at all; being cold makes me sleepy. I also had a summer school teacher who kept the temperature in the low 60s, after which I'd have to walk home in high-80s weather. Then there were other rooms that would be inexplicably hot, and during the fall the cooling system seemed to stop working about every other week. The building was generally uninhabitable.

But yeah, 68degF is fine. I can't imagine anyone complaining about that in the winter; in summer 70-72 would make more sense.

This line is retarded:

> "For the little ones, it's teaching them about hot and cold," she said. "And in the upper grades, they're able to learn about the cost of things."

Along the same lines, I guess kids should have to listen to their principals whining about budget cuts and school board politics. That would be just as educational.

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