"Japan's prime minister says his country has halted the import of U.S. beef after an animal spine was found in a beef shipment at Tokyo International Airport."
Probably, most Americans don't know this problem but....
US beef contractors must inspect beef by the inspection
method which Japanese consumers desire.
Add the cost to product price and export it.
An animal spine? I hope it was from a cow!
The shipping inspectors had sponge holes in their brains, they were confused on what to send and what not to send. :)
orange plz!!!!
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|So, I've been hearing that 4-ch is
|becoming more popular these days...
|My favorite is the 'find DQN
|or VIP on your ID' thread!
∩_∩ ∧_∧
(´∀` ) (^∀^ )
●Yゝ ヽ ●Yゝ ヽ
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|Dave|\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|Chet|\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
American meat is excrement.
Yoshinoya, famous fast food buffet in Japan, expects to resume
US beef import very much.
I found Yoshinoya in California several yeas ago when I visited.
However, there was no chance to use.
How is the menu ?
How many Americans use Yoshinoya often ?
Yoshinoya want cheep meets becouse low cost.
they want have big money. they have no idea for health and life of people.
American beef, very dirty!
How poor American cows are!
they are killed but nobody can eat them but poor American people.
Is meat from other places really better?
I'm a vegetarian in America. I've heard the processes for making meat are pretty sick, but I wasn't aware they were any worse in America than anywhere else in the world.
In America, worker in meat factory are very bad quality.
They use poor people dont have a lot of anything or cant understand lounguage in America for low cost.
They dont think for health and cleanliness and saving for food but thier paid.
and if trouble of meat in America,factory are cover a trouble becouse they have big power for all( for politics,for media,for specialists,etc)
so many people dont know the facts.
but Japan found out.
thats all.
Japanese people are almost fooishwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Kiss MY ASS wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Aren't you Americans interested in this problem??
You are eating meet infected with BSE.
And it's fact that the number of people who are
very suspectful of being BSE is increasing.
It's your own problem of health, isn't it???
Not only BSE.
In America, people aften be poisoned by beef.
but the troubles are hidden by polite and media.
I doubt that. You so much as find a finger in your chili at Wendy's and the traditional media and the bloggers are all over it. How exactly are stories about mad cow disease not going to get out? Americans really are not ashamed to speak up about stuff.
Do buy and read the book ↓
There's a very good reason why most european countries don't allow american beef imports: hormones. They pump the animals full of that shit. Eat too much of that and get bitchtits.
Well, the thing is that we aren't really checking all the beef. We check very little. So you may have eaten yummy BSE pirons last night.
You aren't an american, are you?