I'm not even going to bother finding an article about this, it's all over the news. What I'm loving though is the headlines. The one I used for this thread is an actual newspaper headline, as are:
Ok, I made up that last one.
More :
"Who The Man Shot Cheney Dick ?"
"man 'accidentally shoots Cheney "
"Hunting Cheney Dick, Horror!!!!"
"lawyer shoots his Vice President"
"Cheney Dick shoots man in Reno"
"Cheney Shoots Astro in the Balls"
"Dick Cheney's Dick Dickering"
You'll have to excuse >>4-6. They are not quite right ever since Dick Cheney shot them in the face. Doctors say some of the pellets may have lodged in their brains.
Dick Cheney doesn't care about old people.
Dick Sucks Dicks.
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I don't know. What is Dick?
Cheney rules. I'd rather go hunting with Cheney than take a ride with Ted Kennedy
I look at this thread and think, "Haha... America, what a great place".