Attempt to show off costs American gold (2)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2006-02-17 15:39 ID:Heaven
"Tanja Frieden of Switzerland became an Olympic gold medalist Friday when an ill-advised attempt by American Lindsey Jacobellis to show off backfired.

Jacobellis was heading for an almost certain one-sided victory in the women's snowboarding cross event. She had such a large lead, she decided she could afford to embellish her triumph by doing a little trick over the final jump.

As she went airborne, Jacobellis reached down to grab the front of her snowboard. But in doing so she lost her balance and tumbled to the ground."

2 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-18 18:01 ID:rsnzuRWh

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