Bush: "People Don't Need To Worry About Security." (5)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2006-02-23 22:38 ID:Heaven

"President Bush continues to defend his administration's decision to allow a company from an Arab country to operate six major U.S. ports, saying, "People don't need to worry about security."

Dubai Ports World is set to finalize a $6.8 billion purchase next month from the British firm Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which manages the U.S. ports, including New York and Miami."

2 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-26 03:25 ID:GWl2hkwX

I bet that quote is taken out of context. He obviously meant in this particular situation.

3 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-26 16:12 ID:yeWXj7wZ

yeah, but taking quotes out of context rocks.

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-03-01 16:39 ID:lWx58jc8

Ah, Dubai, that well known hotbed of terrorism and anti-American sentiment :rolleyes:

5 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-03-01 20:44 ID:0+dKdz5c

We can't trust anyone with a mall that big

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