This is just atrocious. If you've been to college, been taught that this is the Modern World, that we are collectively more advanced than our ancestors, this won't even make sense to you. You can't even label this as "animosity", because no animal would do this.
If the Middle East is "still living in the Dark Age" as the talking point goes, I'm not sure which age Africa is living in, or what can possibly be done about it.
'Animosity' comes from 'Animus', Latin for 'spirit'. It has nothing to do with animals.
Also "deformed" is incorrect. That word is typically used of e.g. birth defects, or when a piece of plastic is exposed to a heat source and begins to droop. "Mutilated" would be more correct, in fact if cutting off a man's hands, nose and ears won't qualify I have no idea what would.
At least they left his balls intact. One would hope, anyway.