*Apr 7, 2005 10:24 AM
More women than men surf the Net.
That's a conclusion of online marketing firm eMarketer Inc., which issued study results Thursday saying that girls and women represented 51.6% of Americans online last year. While females make up about 51% of the U.S. population, and that ratio is expected to hold in the coming years, the proportion of girls and women on the Web should grow to 52.6% by 2008, according to eMarketer.*
"lol, I didn't know myspace was that big."
I have to wonder if this is based on duration of use or merely having internet access.
There is no freaking way any girl can beat the guys in my apartment for internet time. There's 3 hardcore gamers and 1 casual computer programmer. I'm online between 60 and 80 hours a week and I know my 2 gaming roommates are averaging the same (one owns the apartment we rent from and hardly leaves for anything the other works at a boys home at night making sure the kids aren't like killing each other and games with us all day while at work). I work at a college textbook store and if I'm not gaming at work during slow hours I'm gaming in all my free time. The 4th roommate spends only about 5 hours a day online, guess that's 35 hours a week?
I seriously doubt the existence of a girl gaming apartment like this one. Even if they're on a lot there's no way they average the time guys spend online.
Yes, because obviously your appartment is totally representative of the entire male population.
its all about the aim and myspace. theres not much else i would see a girl going online for.
Yay for us girls! HAHAH! WE WILL CASTRATE YOU AAAALL!!!!!!!
quiet, fatty.
well... here in brazil we had the same research and it announced that 48% of the internet users are girls... Man, they're invading the web! OMG save yourselves(or try to catch one for you =)
Personally, I think only women perticipated in the "studies."
That so a female thing to do. :p
Feminist propaganda.
I find it hilarious that nobody can imagine porn as a reason for women going online. Some major blind spot there.
Girls? On MY Internet?
It's more likely than you think.
I'm a girl...runs in terror
Women don't get porn from the intarwebs? Ahahahahahah... Was that a theory thought up by men with inferiority complexes, the same way the women with inferiority complex pretend that no "good" man ever looks at porn?
Doesn't surprise me. I know too many chicks online.
>>25 i don't know why this link is here but hot!