2ch going to be closed on 22th day of this month (113)

1 Name: 774 : 2007-01-13 08:54 ID:uNjirKg9

hey I'm one of the 774 from 2ch

for does people who likes 2ch

please save them....

heres a quick info

1.35years old salesman's private information leaked out to 2ch
2.salesman's sued 2ch for $50,000
3.the owner of 2ch can pay this amount of money but if he does,
many other people will sue 2ch just like the salesman
4.If the owner of 2ch won't pay the money the 2ch will be closed

theres more info but It's too hard for me to translate...

(only for people who can read japanese)
if you were intrested,check out here

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 09:53 ID:38x05snf

I've been a 2channeler for many years and i'd feel very bad if it closed... Even if in each threads 2channellers are preparing themselves to change to others boards.... If 2ch closed, it'd be the end of something.... But I believe in hiroyuki, i know he won't give up even thought according to some rumors he said some months ago that he was ready to give up 2ch at any time... The day of the presumed closing (meaning today or tomorrow, don't remember exactly), there will be some demos in some places in japan, i hope a lot of people will attend to them. I'm fluent in japanese and i read all the new's articles and watched some videos (television news) concerning the " hiroyuki issue" but i don't see anything else to say more than what 1 have said. maybe i can add that hiroyuki has disappeared for some weeks, he is not in his house, nobody know where is he... (and his car, his computer have already been taken by the authorities....)
Moreovee, i think hiroyuki is a good guy and he has revolutionized a part of internet, he has invented a new forum concept....

will see what happen...
but let's be realistic, 2ch can't get closed.....

3 Name: 774 : 2007-01-13 10:58 ID:uNjirKg9


4 Name: 774 : 2007-01-13 11:03 ID:uNjirKg9



5 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 12:55 ID:PI9+Q+LZ

You're a load of people, make a list of whoever the guy is and what he sells, and activeley boycott and protest.

6 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 18:32 ID:Heaven

so why can this random guy close 2ch when debito arudou couldn't do shit?

7 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 20:11 ID:iJ1jfa2w

If hiroyuki lives in USA, probrem will be solved.

8 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 20:54 ID:HOM+6ch6

Are any 2chers planning to create a successor?

9 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 20:58 ID:SGNzzABm

Of course there will be dozens of successor boards and the 2ch world will be ruined, scattered among all the upstarts.

This is surprising news. You'd think that Japan would want to protect this freedom of speech, but I guess their judicial system is really just a bunch of old farts who want to maintain the nonexistent "traditional Japanese honor." But they cannot kill Anonymous-- he is the voice of the new generation.

10 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 21:28 ID:Heaven

Hiroyuki didn't even appear in court?
Of course he would lose the trial... even IN AMERICA!

11 Name: 2 : 2007-01-13 22:56 ID:38x05snf


I saw that some 2channelers was making a petition 署名活動 and there is supposed to be demos today (and next sunday . more precisely : http://www25.atwiki.jp/2ch-syomei/ )... I don't see what else we could do....
By the way, some people say that 2ch will not close because hiroyuki is not the owner of the domain or something like that, I don't know if it's true....


12 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 01:34 ID:clD69ECc

I think Hiroyuki is feeling rather secure in his control of 2channel right now, because of the http://2ch.net splash page which mocks the court ruling.

(For those of us who can't read it, myself included, it says that the vase has been repossessed by the Akabane District Court and not to break the vase because the court is going to come take it.)

13 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 01:40 ID:Heaven

Damn, Hiroyuki's got balls.

14 Name: 774 : 2007-01-14 02:55 ID:tVXsXjBO


(heres only for people who can read japanese)

theres ANTI 2CH people who's being happy about this
the title is called
(protect our children from 2ch aka north korea board)

and some rumer says that this situation can be a TSURI

I seriously don't know what will happen but


15 Name: 774 : 2007-01-14 03:02 ID:tVXsXjBO




your ID is HEAVEN...are you the savior?


16 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 04:06 ID:Wv7tAB7Z


>so why can this random guy close 2ch when debito arudou couldn't do shit?

This guy probably isn't white

17 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 04:36 ID:Heaven


ah, i see

lol gaijin

18 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 05:31 ID:5UwvKd0m

 <丶`Д´> < ここまでは我慢できた

ウ リ 用 し お り
 <; `∀´> < ここまでは我慢できた

19 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-14 05:31 ID:5UwvKd0m


hwabyu━ l|l l|l ━ng!
 (⌒;;..  ∧_,,∧    またカナダ人ニカ!!
 (⌒)人ヽ   ヽ、从
   从ノ.:(,,フ .ノゝ⊃
 人从;;;;... レ' ノ;;;从人

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