Obama's past -- no Madrassa [debunking myth] (17)

6 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-02-09 15:50 ID:wo1srJAs

I read a book by a Persian author, her name was Irshad Manji. It's called "The Problem With Islam Today". Quite interesting, she attended a madrassa in Canada. It consisted of koranic studies. Basically, all students are required to memorize a certain portion of the Koran, by the end of a certain period of time. Theology class was sort of similar, except the Imam would tell them what the verses mean.

Having studied the Koran myself, I can say that it is a book with a severe case of schizophrenia. At one moment, Allah seems like the god of the New Testament, while at another moment, it describes how to divvy up loot after a battle. A whole "chapter" is devoted to it, its called 'Al-Anfal', the Spoils of War.

I'd like to get a hold of a copy of the Hadith, but I don't have the money to do so right now.

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