Texas allows blind hunters to use laser sights (3)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-06 12:50 ID:5c1VAhFx

<a href=http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/metro/stories/MYSA040607.04A.blind_hunt.317f1af.html>Texas allows blind to hunt with laser sights</a>

Blind hunters may be allowed to use lasers

Web Posted: 04/05/2007 10:45 PM CDT

Alysha N. Hernández
Austin Bureau

AUSTIN — Blind hunter Stanley McGowen has relied on two things to help him "see" the turkeys and deer he stalks — the eyesight of his longtime hunting partner and a scope that lets his friend help him aim.
Now, a piece of legislation has 59-year-old McGowen excited about the prospect of "seeing" his prey better.

House Bill 308, which the House sent to the Senate on Thursday, makes hunting easier for legally blind hunters like McGowen by allowing them to use laser sight devices, which are currently forbidden for hunting in Texas.

"This is so important and I want to thank Rep. Edmund Kuempel for this," McGowen said. "I've said that sometimes sighted people don't have vision, but he's a man of vision."

Kuempel, R-Seguin, wrote the legislation that would let legally blind hunters use laser sights during regular hunting hours and when accompanied by a licensed hunter who is at least 13 years old and is not legally blind.

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-10 15:09 ID:CHDXmlZs


3 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-13 02:30 ID:A+c4yIJ4

Everyone should have the right to kill things they can't even see.
It's in the constitution, really!

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