German Trainer investigation [racist German] (8)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-16 23:57 ID:Bx4BuQRA

Gremany Investigates Trainer

Youtube Video of the Incident
(in German, other than the cussing)

Germany: 'Absolutely unacceptable' for recruits to pretend they're shooting blacks
The German Defense Ministry says it was "absolutely unacceptable" for trainers to have a soldier pretend he was shooting at blacks in New York during target practice.

Deutsche Welle, a German broadcaster, describes the footage of the incident: The video shows the instructor first telling recruits to imagine they were fighting plane hijackers. At the end of the exercise he congratulates them, saying "That's good, the terrorists are dead."

He then tells them: "Now you're in the (New York City borough) Bronx. A black truck stops in front of you. Three African-Americans get out and insult your mother grossly. Every time before you pull the trigger I want to hear you shout [expletive] very loudly."

The junior soldier is then shown executing the order, shouting the required word before each shot, encouraged by his superior.

The 90-second video was shot in 2006 and is available on YouTube. Officials are reported to have known of its existence since January.

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-17 11:52 ID:3WPD9GC5


3 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-24 20:10 ID:SE2K0gLO

lol. Political correctness at it's finest lol.

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-24 20:18 ID:Heaven

lol. PC will destroy western society from the inside.

5 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-24 22:13 ID:Bx4BuQRA


So you're in favor of Germans training to kill New York blacks? PC is one thing, training to kill an entire race of people who aren't at war with Germany is another.

6 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-25 01:37 ID:mHHT9Vgv

I can't understand why German hate Black people.

This is only a Joke of bad quality, isn't it?
Perhaps, caused by intelligence of the man.

Japan suggested a racial equality to The League of Nations for the first time in the world, and about 100 years passed.

However, there are still racism without grounds in the world.

I hope that countries of the world catch up with level of Japan.

7 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-25 17:08 ID:Heaven

>>5>>6 gb2/women's studies.

8 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-25 23:08 ID:Heaven

gb2 sucking Ann Coulter's cock

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