Japan's Lolita merchants feel the heat (12)

1 Name: William Sparrow : 2008-02-26 16:25 ID:zW2+r2fw

Japan was slow in updating its child pornography laws to bring them into line with those of the West. It was only in 1999 and 2003 that Japan caught up, with the passage of new laws that made it illegal to produce, distribute, sell, possess or trade in child pornography. Before 1999, it was only illegal to produce it.

(click link to read full article)

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-02-26 17:36 ID:hS4X+vK2

Stupid japs and their sick porn. What a dirty nation of panty thieves.

3 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-02-28 12:50 ID:2zy2elU7

That's weird though, I was there in 2005 and I was able to find... well maybe not child porn, but the girls were 10. They had clothes on, so maybe it fits through a mile wide loophole. Like how prostitution is illegal in Japan, where prostitution is defined as having sex for money, and where sex is defined as vaginal intercourse only.

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-02-29 16:15 ID:Heaven

Stick with your cartoons.
Let kids be kids and not JonBenet Ramsay.

5 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-02 06:54 ID:z/MjY20D

It's pretty much exactly that. Whereas US laws have a tendency to talk about abstract concepts like "community values" and "prurience", Japanese laws usually have very specific definitions. In defining pornography, the laws mention nudity. In defining "child pornography", they refer back to the existing legal definition of pornography, saying simply that child pornography is defined as pornography involving underage persons.

The result of this is that you can show children doing anything you want, and its perfectly legal as long as they aren't naked.

6 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-02 12:34 ID:Heaven

I love Japan.

7 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-07 15:54 ID:jCh0KrbS


...why were you looking..?
You can talk about child porn, heck in some countries you can even draw childporn and look at it... but only that...

ONLY ( ○ω○)

8 Name: 3 : 2008-03-08 14:04 ID:2zy2elU7

Oh I wasn't looking for CP specifically, but one night in Akihabara we were in a small group looking for "fucked-up shit". We would walk into a video store, each find the most screwed-up product possible and then come back and compare notes. One of the sections I happened to find was a kind of, I dunno... hard to describe.

9 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-09 02:05 ID:Heaven


> One of the sections I happened to find was a kind of, I dunno... hard to describe.

Please refrain from trying, thank you.

10 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-10 10:00 ID:Heaven

>>9 I am immune to your devious reverse psychology!

11 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-20 01:35 ID:zUrDiahC

Ah, dammit, describe it! If you've been on the internet for more than 15 seconds, you've likely seen worse (sadly)!

12 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-03-20 01:36 ID:zUrDiahC

Whoops, was referring to >>8

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