Obama-Clinton ticket: a dream or nightmare? (4)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-05 01:38 ID:4urxrmjX

WASHINGTON - Picture a cozy weekend at Camp David for President Obama, Vice President Hillary Rodham Clinton and their lively spouses.


2 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-05 02:40 ID:8f/8xe5g

It would be the best of both worlds: alienating nigger-haters, Muslim-haters, woman-haters and Clinton-haters all on a single ticket. Without meaningfully shoring up Obama's lack of experience or earning any extra votes from swing and red states, either. And the right-wing pundits can just regurgitate all the mud slung at them during the primary.
McCain couldn't ask for anything better.

I'm rooting for Sebelius over Clinton. She'd mollify the feminazis just as effectively, pull in some heartland votes, and is closer to Obama's values.
On the male side there's any number of awesome VP choices Obama could make, too. Biden, Nunn, Richardson, Webb... heck, even Hagel if he's gutsy.

3 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-06 15:54 ID:mak8VDDV

Problem with Clinton as a VP is the Clinton's have the bad habit of killing people they do not like. I would not put it past Hillary to bump off Obama down the road to make herself President. Johnson had Kennedy killed off in 1963.

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-07 23:43 ID:Heaven

>>3 is on the run from a satellite microwave transmitter that is trying to boil his blood and is controlled by Bill Clinton's thoughts.

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