Mugabe: War vets ready to fight for me (2)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-13 13:40 ID:oEyCXBIi

First of all, most of the "war vets" are children and teenagers. Second, why is the fucker still alive?!?! I can tell you if Zimbabwe floated on oil, the US would not waste anytime getting Mugabe out to install "democracy".

Instead Mugabe has lead the worlds' greatest human catastrophe. Mugabe calls the white man evil and say he must be eliminated! Fuck that plan. Someone kill this nigger!

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-06-14 00:20 ID:Heaven

Sure, but there are better ways to illustrate how reprehensible Mugabe is then pointing out his hatred of white people and calling him a nigger.

For instance, that recent event when his thugs locked an opposition leader's wife inside her house and tossed a petrol bomb in.

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