Not sure what the big deal is about Tim Russert here in the US. He is just another journalist who toes the corporate media's line and a tool of the elite and the government (also known as the new world order). Yet just four days earlier, Michael Reagan, the piece of shit son of the former Emperor Reagan, called for the murder of thousands of people and one Mark Dice (because they are 911 truth movement people). What the Fuck, man!
I say it is a good thing Tim Russert is dead. One less piece of shit we have to deal with. Many more New World Order people should die.
The media loves to report on the media, but NOT on what the media is missing when it reports to the rest of us. Learn to avoid the media. Remember when Reagan died? There was a media blitz that I completely missed, merely by avoiding TV and radio and all that nonsense. The media is now a wholly owned corporate mouth, and what comes out of that mouth is straight out of those hidden messages in the movie "They Live".
Who cares..
who is he?
you don't have tell me. I am not even interested