Hey US govt...nice try there trying to wreck Toyota. Fuck American cars. They are SHIT.
Only FAGGOTS drive the Volt.
The American consumer thinks that a 1/4 lb burger is bigger than a 1/3 burger. This news is no surprise.
The amusing irony here is that almost all Honda, Toyota, and Nissan products sold in the US are manufactured in US plants, whereas "American" manufacturers Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler have been importing 95% of vehicles they sell from Mexico ever since NAFTA.
This does not stop the Ford fanboys from putting bumper stickers on their Mexican-made vehicles, which typically display all the quality control and care in manufacturing that implies, that say "IF U DRIVE A FOREING CAR U R UNPATRIOTIC," etc. One can only roll one's eyes.
I'm very patriotic. So, naturally, I drive a Volkswagen so people will instantly know that I'm a Nazi. :D