Justice for the victims of Kids for Cash (5)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2011-08-12 14:43 ID:BhWfSujo

Here’s one of America’s finest corruption cases of late. Mark Ciavarella, a judge in Pennsylvania was noted for being particularly expedient and harsh with the children passing through his juvenile court. He largely ignored their rights to legal counsel and handed down maximum sentences on an assembly line. Too late for those affected, a federal investigation soon revealed that he had accepted over one million dollars in bribes from the private operators of a juvenile detention facility. Every bed he kept occupied was paid for by the state and the judge in turn paid by the private prison company euphemistically named "PA Child Care."

For all the victims who may have believed they’d die in jail for minor offenses, they can rest assured that the criminal judge in this case most likely will himself. After rejecting a number of plea deals, the court yesterday sentenced the 61 year-old to 28 years in prison. He will be 85 on his earliest possible release date.

Editor's note: Laffo. Enjoy retirement, jackass.

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2011-08-12 17:24 ID:od+ReU2M

Sounds good to me. They should dismiss all the convictions he's ever given and bankrupt the corrupt prisons...

3 Name: Unverified Source : 2011-08-13 14:31 ID:Heaven

> They should dismiss all the convictions he's ever given


4 Name: Unverified Source : 2011-08-21 19:49 ID:MG3vNLGi

So what punishment do the operators of the juvenile detention facility get?

5 Name: Unverified Source : 2011-08-22 11:25 ID:Heaven

I don't think they've been sentenced yet. The honorable thing to do is give them time to hang themselves first. They could do the justice system this one favor given all the damage they've done to it otherwise.

We'll keep you informed!

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