Learning about 2ch (57)

25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-16 20:35 ID:rSFFMZu6

SA solution: Pay money to post, trolls/crappy posters either donate huge amounts of money to register many times or are turned off by the cost. Additionally this pays for the servers!
Problem: People don't like paying money for Internets.

2ch solution: Screw all attempts at stopping trolls and crappy posters; just ignore them.
Problem: This practically invites spammers to your forum.

99.9999% of forums solution: Registration prevents crappy posting lol
Problem: Hahaha. This isn't a solution at all, c.f. most of the top 10 forums I listed!

Both models require huge amounts of volunteer moderation, but on a popular and enjoyable forum it's easy to find good volunteers. Considering that Western forums evolved from old egotistical BBSes, I think SA is the pinnacle of the registration model. But 2ch is a far better solution, I agree. Too bad we don't know Japanese ┐(´ー`)┌

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