Fans of RPGs (109)

62 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-09-02 17:20 ID:I97ThNFH

Dragon Quest must be quite a popular RPG in Japan!
I was speaking with a JP person on BarGIKO and he asked me my interests. They usually consist of MMORPG but he seemed confused. He was a fan of martial arts, so he wasn't too enlightened to the term MMORPG, but asked me if I liked ドラクエ.
I played one many years ago, but I guess one was released recently, as he asked, ゲームを8っけた? (Of course I had beat the game I played many years ago)
He ended up leaving when I confessed that I was an english speaking person: I guess he wanted faster-paced, more interesting conversation ;P Who doesn't?
In any case, I figured I'd contribute this (maybe) interesting story to the RPG thread. Maybe I'll look into ドラクエ once again!

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