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104 –Ό‘OF 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2006-01-10 18:17 ID:Heaven

Stop using the derogatory term "“ΑˆŸ" for a start.
You aren't hated for nothing. –υ‘EˆΤˆΐ•wE‹³‰Θ‘ are all real issues instead of mere fabrications.
While it's true that the governments of your so-called "“ΑˆŸ" countries sometimes use these issues to fame nationalism, you Japanese aren't any better.
Bookstores in Japan are full of ”½’†EŒ™ŠΨ shit. Even in Narita International Airport, for heaven's sake! Talk about hating your own neighbors.
I'm sick of Japanese carrying their own diplomatic problems everywhere, not even bothering to explain them in English. Just because we like anime and the related stuff doesn't mean we're supposed to care about your problems.
Enough already!

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